Let's dream big | Slovak BigWay 2024

An attempt to break the Slovak record in parachutism in category G-2-C-2

BigWay 2024

Dear skydivers, the time has come to try again to break the Slovak record for the largest completed FS formation, which has been set at 30 way for more than 11 years and is still unbeaten. We will start with 35-way and, as time permits, we will continue until the limit of the number of participants and the capacity of the planes.

The path to success will be a path of training, increasing your skills and experience with gradually more demanding camps and tunnel flying with an emphasis on bigway skills throughout the season.

We firmly believe until we are sure that we will succeed together. Be a part of this great ride as supporters or directly as participants.

The Legends

The news about our record went out to the world and came back in the form of greetings from the legends of world of skydiving. So here it is, especially for you. Enjoy.

Support can look different, and one of the forms was chosen by the living legends of Slovak skydiving, who we chatted with under the guise of a joint meeting to give us all something from their skydiving world. Thank you!


We would like to thank our partners from the skydivig world for their support and the trust they place in us.

  • SunPath - manufacturer of top quality harnesses for all branches of skydiving
  • Cypres - manufacturer of AAD security devices
  • Intrudair - manufacturer of jumpsuits, wingsuits and other diverse skydiving clothing
  • Performace Designs - manufacturer of parachutes and reserve parachutes
  • Alti-2 - the manufacturer of top altimeters
  • Flight-1 - the world class school of parachute flying
  • We thank Skydive Slavnica dropzone for the constant support of the sport and, of course, of our attempt to break the record.
  • We thank the media partners for presenting our efforts and sport to the general public.

I want to become a partner

If you want this record attempt to be yours too, become our partner. Contact us at the email address: podpora@bigway2024.sk or just share our page on social networks.

The Team

Since events do not happen by themselves, we present to you the organizational dream team that has prepared the BigWay 2024 for you and will guide you through the amazing 2024 season to a successful record.

  • Janko Oravec - has the last word, mastermind and director Janko Oravec
  • Miro Gábor - President of SNA - patronage of PKSNA Miro Gábor
  • Jozef Just - The brain and soul of the record Jozef Just
  • Patrik Minár - The captain of the record attempt Patrik Minár
  • Miro Štefančík - The Helper Miro Štefančík
  • Maroš Polakovič - The Helper Maroš Polakovič
  • Jana Faixová - The Helper

    Jana Faixová
  • Juraj Demovič - The Helper Juraj Demovič
  • Jarek Kužma - The Helper Jarek Kužma


Part of the actual attempt to break the record is also high-quality preparation, which we will serve you in the form of theoretical training, tunnel flying and jump camps themselves. At the theoretical training, you will learn all the necessary information important for safe bigway jumping, but also a lot of other information for the success of the record itself. In addition to preparation for bigway situations, tunnel camps will give you confidence for real jumps. The aim of the camps is also to check you0r readiness to participate in the record.

Participation in the camps is voluntary, but each participant of the record must participate in at least one of the jump camps. Training and camps will take place from January to August.

Jumping camps can also be attended by those interested in improving themselves in FS jumping, who have at least an A license and a recommendation from their instructor to jump in the 8+ set.

Registration for the camps will take place well in advance, the price for each camps will always be communicated at the given camps.

  • Theory BW 1 - Jozef Just, Patrik Minár Play audio!
  • Theory BW 2 - Jozef Just, Patrik Minár Play audio! Download photo!

  • 15. - 16.03.2024 MSR 4-way

  • 28.03.2024 Theory BW 3 - Jozef Just, Patrik Minár Play audio! Download photo!
  • 12.04.2024 Theory BW 4 - Jozef Just, Patrik Minár Prehraj audio! Stiahni foto!
  • 13. - 14.04.2024 TUNNEL CAMP 2

  • 20. - 21.04.2024 BW CAMP 1 - Camp canceled due to bad weather
  • 25. - 26.05.2024 BWcamp 2

  • 31.05.2024 - 01.06. Speedstar by Skydive University Slovakia
  • 07.06.2024 Theory BW 5 - Jozef Just, Patrik Minár
  • 22. - 23.06.2024 BWcamp 3

  • 6. - 7.07.2024 BWcamp 4

  • 27. - 28.07.2024 BWcamp 5 - Not So Special

  • 04. - 07.08.2024 BW Rekord

    We did it;)

    6.8.2024 9:03
    8. Jump, 35-way third attempt

    7.8.2024 9:21
    11. Jump, 46-way first attempt

The Record

We will try to break the 30way record from 2012 during 4 days in the best place for bigway jumping in Europe, in Czech Klatovy, where they have prepared at least 2 SC-7 Skyvan for us in addition to the complete equipment. We will jump the record on 04. - 07. August 2024. The 35way record jump will be preceded by a few warm-up jumps. During these 4 days we should jump 16 jumps. After reaching the 35 way record, further record attempts will follow in larger formations, more complex jumps and sequential jumps. A smaller number of interesting jumps will be prepared for skydivers who will not be part of the first 35 way formation.

Record formation

As the first formation, we will jump 35 ways from two planes.

record formation formation
record formation - separation separation


We will have at least two Skyvan SC-7 aircraft available, which can accommodate a maximum of 24 skydivers each. We will jump from a height of 4200 - 4500m without using artificial oxygen.

How to get into the record?

If you are convinced that also with the help of preparatory camps you will fight your way into the record lineup, fill out the registration form. After processing your registration, you will find yourself in the waiting room, which we prosaically called "Young Guns". We will closely monitor all "Young Guns" during the preparatory camps. If your performance both in the air and on the ground impresses us during the preparatory camps and you receive a good evaluation, you will fight your way to the record event.
Young Gun registration!

How much and for what?

Fee: € 150,– (will be deducted from the security deposit)
Ticket price: € 42,50 (adjusted price for 2024, payment separately in the manifest)
Security deposit: € 300 (in case of non-participation and failure to find a replacement, it will be forfeited to the organizer)

What for:
  • 4 days and 16 planned jumps
  • LO and cameraflyers
  • Record T-shirt
  • Hat cap
  • Patch for overalls
  • Sticker
  • Event organization

Participants of the record

  1. Jozef Just - LO Jozef Just
  2. Patrik Minár Patrik Minár
  3. Juraj Demovič Juraj Demovič
  4. Marián Mindek Marián Mindek
  5. Peter Mikulášik Peter Mikulášik
  6. Ivica Just Ivica Just
  7. Michal Maniš Michal Maniš
  8. Taras Vozniuk Taras Vozniuk
  9. Radoslav Čieško Radoslav Čieško
  10. Boris Kolozsi Boris Kolozsi
  11. Jana Faixová Jana Faixová
  12. Marián Mikula Marián Mikula
  13. Tomáš Čačko Tomáš Čačko
  14. Peter Novák Peter Novák
  15. Liana Cibuláková Liana Cibuláková
  16. Jakub Žák Jakub Žák
  17. Pavol Letko Pavol Letko
  18. Jozef Kalnický Jozef Kalnický
  19. Miroslav Štefančík Miroslav Štefančík
  20. Ľubomír Grofčík Ľubomír Grofčík
  21. Veronika Kontárová Veronika Kontárová
  22. Stanislav Bilačič Stanislav Bilačič
  23. Erik Labuda Erik Labuda
  24. Vilém Arbeit Vilém Arbeit
  25. Michal Paluška Michal Paluška
  26. Martin Čáp Martin Čáp
  27. Peter Kaľavský Peter Kaľavský
  28. Denis Kubín Denis Kubín
  29. Matúš Foltán Matúš Foltán
  30. Juraj Cibulák Juraj Cibulák
  31. Peter Divéky Peter Divéky
  32. Roman Bakič Roman Bakič
  33. Katka Rychtarčíková Katka Rychtarčíková
  34. Maroš Piliar Maroš Piliar
  35. Tomáš Furda Tomáš Furda
  36. Rob Kendall LO Rob Kendall LO
  37. Andrej Živica Andrej Živica
  38. Richard Kolozsi Richard Kolozsi
  39. Michal Divko Michal Divko
  40. Martin Stachovič Martin Stachovič
  41. Oksana Golubtsova Oksana Golubtsova
  42. Fero Bolek Fero Bolek
  43. Alojz Bachratý Alojz Bachratý
  44. Marek Kaul Marek Kaul
  45. Michal Doncs Michal Doncs
  46. CAM Michal Oravec Michal Oravec
  47. CAM Michal Gromnica Michal Gromnica
  48. CAM Jakub Sklenka Jakub Sklenka

Young Guns

We will closely monitor all "Young Guns" during the preparatory camps. If your performances both in the air and on the ground impress us during the preparatory camps and you receive a good evaluation, you will fight your way to the record event.

  1. Kristína Herczegová Kristína Herczegová
  2. Tomáš Volný Tomáš Volný
  3. Jaromír Kužma Jaromír Kužma
  4. Nobody
Young Gun Registration!

The Cameraflyers

How was the jump? Oh yeah!, everything went cool, headdown from the jump to the opening, 10 points at least. If you want I can tell you about it! All of us probably know how everything works out without a camera. However, a record is a record and it needs high-quality documentation, which is why we took the liberty of inviting the most qualified to join our team. Let's welcome Michal Gromnica and Jakub Sklenka. For both, camera jumps are a daily bread at Skydive Dubai, where they spend most of their skydiving lives. Together they have more than 32,000 jumps, yes you read that right more than thirty two thousand!!! We are very much looking forward to having these two fighters with us in our attempt!

  • Jakub Sklenka - 18,500 jump Czech brother loving Pilsen, his child and his Valkyrie 84 like no other. Jakub also captured the Guinness record, which was a "firework" jump from the highest altitude, on his camera. As a Canopy pilot, he placed 11th at the Alabama 2022 World Games. Jakub Sklenka
  • Michal Gromnica - 13,500 jumps, a little more Moravian than his Czech brother, but just like Jakub, he loves Pilsen and his Leia 75 the most in his life, which he swoops roughly over the Palm and flies in numerous flocks above it;) Michal Gromnica


PARAŠUTISTICKÝ KLUB Slovenského národného aeroklubu
letisko Žilina,013 41 Dolný Hričov, IČO: 37 973 525
Hlavný organizátor: Janko Oravec, jan.oravec@bigway2024.sk, +421 903 544 301
Záštita PKSNA: Miro Gábor, miro.gabor@bigway2024.sk
Press: press@bigway2024.sk

Realizácia: K3 GROUP, s.r.o.